7 x 50 blc Kriegsmarine 1943 Benutzer Cup 7x50 blc Kriegsmarine 1942 (2 binoculars) 7 x 50 blc Kriegsmarine 1941 -with a special case Carl Zeiss Jena Feldstecher 8 vergr 1902. Winkelfernrohr (binocular telescope) **** Carl Zeiss Jena - Stenotar 5 x 12 ca 1923 Carl Zeiss Jena - 7 x 50 H blc Kriegsmarine Carl Zeiss Jena - Binoctem 7 x 50 - 1986 8圆0 Carl Zeiss Deck Mounted early model Other Other(Austria, Nederland & others) Antique Monocular Brass & Mother of Pearl H.Kolberg i S-ka 2 binoc.(the second Company) H.Kolberg i S-ka -3 binoc.(the first Company) Ross 12 x 28 with an unconventional construction - 1908 Unusual Optics Articles by Anna & Terry Vacani Article written by other authors The list of the binoculars literature Dictionaryīinoculars & optical items: German, British, Polish, French, Russian, Other On this page: Binoculars & optical items - described by Anna and Terry Vacani Home Binoculars Cine Collection literature About Us Ask Expert Items for Sale FAQ Contact